Horse Manure


Horse manure contributes to the fertility of soils by adding organic matter and nutrients. Organisms such as bacteria and fungi release nutrients such as nitrogen to plants.

Soluble Nutrient

Vermicompost which is achieved by harvesting the rich dark byproduct of worm castings deposited within compost is an ideal soil enhancer and fertiliser. Adding horse manure as part of your compost pile and introducing it to a worm farm provides an ideal vermicompost. This organic nutrient which is soluble becomes receptive to plants. As plants are known to communicate on a chemical level, their cell wall receptors signal the cell to ‘unlock’ and receive this organic nutrient.

Organisms and Fungi

Providing an organic nutrient rich environment leads to a higher scope of organisms which feed on fungi and bacteria. Organisms interact by predating, feeding, piggy backing, secreting etc interacting and releasing minerals conducive for plant root systems.

Worming Issues

A horse undergoing treatment may have residual chemical elements. Insuring against potential toxins in worm poo is to pre compost the manure for a couple of weeks. Worms thrive in nutrient rich compost.

Risk to humans

The following extract can be found in this link – Horse manure is a solid waste excluded from federal EPA solid waste regulation because it neither contains significant amounts of hazardous chemicals, nor exhibits hazardous characteristics. The chemical constituents of horse manure are not toxic to humans.


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