Vermicast Fertiliser

Vermicast | Worm Farms

Why is Vermicast a must know for gardens.


What is vermicast?

Vermicast is worm poo deposited within compost. Worm Poo alone is known as Castings.

Vermicast is a  supreme organic fertilizer that is absorbed through plant root systems. Microbacteria within compost breaks down organic matter in which worms deposit their poo.

Worms thrive in organic compost. It is their ideal world; they love nothing more than a moist and oxygenated compost heap.

When worms pass castings (worm poo) the castings become coated in bacteria. This is made up of unique properties; 60 micronutrients and trace minerals, including calcium, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphates and potash.

Applications of vermicast vary however studies show that 20% is all that is required for best results!

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To make Wormz vermicast, we follow three steps:

  • Create organic compost and heat to 63 +/- 5 degrees celsius.
  • Add volumes of worms and wait for them to add their castings.
  • Thank the worms for their service and rehouse them in to a new compost filled worm farms.

The end result is a nutrient rich product that supports healthy plant growth and soil improvement.


Vermicast and plants:

Because vermicast is so rich in minerals and nutrients, it is very useful for plant growth. Research indicates that one teaspoon of healthy vermicompost can contain 10 billion bacteria.

In order to reach plants, and help them grow, vermicompost needs to be to absorbed through the roots. This is done by chemical signals that take place in plant receptors. All plants have receptors on their cell walls, these are much like TV antennas that send and receive signals about where to get nutrients, or energy. Once they are exposed to vermicompost, plants send off a signal to open their root cells and draw in this wonderous natural ingredient.


Vermicast and weeds:

A small amount of weeds in Organic Compost is an irrelevant price to pay given the winning results of plant growth and benefit back into your soil.

Naturally made organic compost with a mix of Nitrogen (green) matter and Carbon (brown) matter will reach a maximum temperature of 63 degrees celsius or 140 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature is achieved by trillions of bacteria decomposing the composting material and in the process, destroying pathogens. This is very hot, however is it not a high enough temperature to kill some weed seeds.

While they may take a little more work, weeds are not necessarily bad for your garden they can help suppress plant disease and promote a healthy growing environment.

Purchasing synthetic fertilizer may appear to be a cheap and easy alternative to organic vermicompost, but in the end it will likely lead to disappointing results. While they may provide some benefit to plant growth, synthetic fertilisers are generally much hotter than organic fertilizer. This is a deliberate approach aimed at killing ALL weed seeds. This may result in the death of gazillions of healthy bacteria. This means there is no symbiotic signal or connection from the plants cell receptors therefore plants may not know it’s there!


Other benefits of vermicast:


  • Often more rich in nutrients than ordinary compost, adding nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium to the soil to help plants thrive
  • There is no danger of over application of vermicompost as in the case of common synthesized fertilisers or chemicals.
  • Fruit and vegetable tests have resulted in yield improvements from 57% to over 200% as well as improvement in taste and appearance.


Tips on Putting worm Casings to use





  • Wesley Lian
    Posted at 12:26h, 07 April

    Have been doing my homework into vermicast recently.. this was a great article! Very informative and easy to follow!

  • Brigitte Boulet
    Posted at 10:07h, 03 October

    Best vermicast product I ever bought. High quality without lumps or clumps. Will definitely get more. It is such a great fertilizer.

    • wormz_admin
      Posted at 11:07h, 05 October

      Thank you Brigitte.

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